Interact Africa is at work in six different countries, has been active in this region for more than 120 years, and has good partnership with local partners in every country. These relationships are very important, and all projects are carried out in cooperation with our partners, which provides sustainability to the projects. The work is divided into two focal areas: Child Protection Services and Sustainable Livelihood.
Regional context
The countries in which Interact works within Africa share similar challenges regarding schooling and the need for child protection. Additionally, there has been increasing drought in some of the countries, which has had devastating consequences for many people and put them in desperate situations as their cattle are starving and sometimes dying, and the crops are dry and yield little to no harvest. Interact is working together with its partners in order to meet these needs in different ways.
The continent of Africa is filled with people who work hard to provide their children with a proper education and a good future. Interact considers the opportunity to work alongside our partners and to be able to help and strengthen our colleagues in Africa to be a great privilege.
What we do about it
Interact works alongside our partner organisations in Africa and we highly value these partnerships. We want to utilise them to fight injustice and to work alongside projects that strive to create safe places for children and to provide them with a quality education. We also work to help local people establish sustainable livelihoods through drilling wells, providing health care and opportunities to receive education and employment, and educating groups of people about micro-loans and how to attain them. All these things are made possible through financial support and solid, lasting partnerships with local organisations.